Welcome to Mid North Midwifery

Mid North Midwifery came about as a desire to express my true inner Midwife.

Having worked for many years within the public hospital system, in all areas of Midwifery, I realised that my spark had been dimmed, I was no longer working in alignment.

I firmly believe that women should be the centre of their pregnancy journey and I am thrilled to be now able to practice under this philosophy.

My Midwifery motto is “step into your power” because I believe that we as women are so often taught that we are powerless. My job is to help you realise your true power, by providing you with information and resources so that you can make the best decision for you and your baby.

Some of the services I offer:

Antenatal Visit

Physical check of mother and baby, emotional check in, discussion and education of any topic you wish, including answering of questions. Discussion of pathology results and ordering relevant tests.

Postnatal Visit

Midwifery visit in your home to discuss anything mother or baby related. Can include weighing of baby if you wish, breastfeeding support and sleep/settling advice etc.


Acuneedling + moxibustion/acupressure/cupping (as necessary). See my blog post for more information about this treatment. Can be antenatal, postnatal or in labour (at home).